John the Rabbit
Retold by Allison Cox © 1994
I have the audience chant in response "Oh no!" as I sing of John's horrible smoking habits and "Oh yes!" as John the Rabbit kicks the habit. |
Start with Refrain... |
(Singing Call) John the Rabbit Had a bad habit John the Rabbit Had a bad habit
(Singing Response) O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no!
He smokes a lot Filtered or not Puffs on cigars Lungs filled with tar He spits and chews Tobacco Goo Fingers have stains Smokes like a train
O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no!
(Repeat Refrain)
Has yellow teeth Black gums underneath He always wheezed Breath smelled like cheese burned holes in his clothes Stuffed up his nose His eyes were bloodshot Face like a walnut
O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! O-oh no! |
If he lives past next fall He'll be the sickest rabbit of all! He'll be the sickest rabbit of all!
(I talk through this middle section of the tale)
But then one day, John decided he was lonely and went a' courtin'.
But all the girl rabbits said, "Ick! Get away from me.
You wheeze, you cough, you spit that goo!
And there's burn holes all over you!
Your teeth and fingers have yellow stains!
Your face is wrinkled, your eyes are veined.
You blow more smoke than chimneys do
and I can't even breathe around you.
I won't marry a rabbit who'll up and die,
'Cause he killed himself from tobacco-cide."
Well, this got John to thinkin'.
"I should quit any habit that is this stinkin'."
I don't want to spend the rest of my life
With lots of tobacco, but no wife!
So he went cold turkey. Just up and quit.
But here's what it took to kick the habit!
New Refrain |
(Singing Call) John the rabbit He kicked the habit John the rabbit He kicked the habit
He bit his nails Moved like a snail Got in bad moods Ate tons of food Dreamed about smoking Woke up from his choking He snuck a few cigarettes |
(Singing Response) O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! |
But he finaly did quit And here's how he felt when he kicked the habit...
(Repeat New Refrain)
(Singing Call) He's feeling better That's when he met her He smelled so clean She said, "Your a dream" Now he runs a mile No coughin', just smiles He's a changed rabbit Since he's kicked the habit
(Singing Response) O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes! O-oh yes!
Now he'll live past next fall
He may end up the oldest rabbit of all!
He may end up the oldest rabbit of all!
